Basketball, girls
The Centennial Girls’ Basketball program fosters the growth of the young ladies in our community in the areas of basketball, leadership, and service.
The Centennial Girls’ Basketball program participates in the Northwest Suburban Conference and Class AAAA Section 7 competition. The Centennial Girls’ Basketball program tries to field 4 levels of play (Varsity, Junior Varsity, B-Squad, and 9th grade). Depending on the number of students that try out, cuts may need to happen to establish rosters at each level of play.
- Players are expected to attend all practices and games
- Unexcused absences will result in players forfeiting their opportunity to play in the following game
- A 2nd unexcused absence will result in a meeting with the player and family to determine whether or not the player will continue with our program
- Consequences for excused absences will be determined based on the situation and reason for the excused absence.
- Students must be in all your classes ALL day to participate in co-curricular activities after school unless your absence has been excused per the school district’s attendance policy. 10 minutes late to class is considered being truant that hour.
- To participate in PRACTICE, players must be in school by 11:00 am or have an excused absence per the school district’s attendance policy.
- To participate in a GAME, players must be in school all day unless the absence is excused per the school district’s attendance policy.
Lettering Criteria
You must be a member of the Varsity/JV (player or manager).
You must complete the season in good standing from beginning to end in order to be considered for a letter or participation certificate.
If found in violation, or serving a violation, of any Minnesota State High School League rules from the beginning of the season to the end, you forfeit your lettering opportunity.
The coaching staff has the ultimate and final say.