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Student Activities


From top band and choir programs to speech team, from Robotics to the ski and snowboard club, Centennial High offers myriad extra-curricular opportunities for all interests, and with 29 sports offered, our students are able to get active, try new things, and grow their talents!

Postsecondary Success


Centennial High prides itself on preparing students for successful pursuits beyond high school. In the most recent survey, with 100% of seniors responding, 87% planned to attend a two- or four-year college.


Centennial High is the hub for the five communities that feed into this large metropolitan high school with a small-town attitude.

95% Graduation Rate

Centennial has an above average graduation rate at 95% while the state average is 83.6%.

1,994 Students

Centennial High School has 1,994 students enrolled in grades 9-12. 

21 Advanced Placement Courses

We have 969 students enrolled in 21 AP courses, saving families over $876,700 in tuition. 

High Open Enrollment Rate

Over 1,000 students open enroll in the district annually. 

216 College Credits Earned

We have 72 students enrolled in our College in the Schools courses, for a combined 216 college credits earned.

40+ Extracurriculuars

Students can participate in 29 sports teams, 15 activities and clubs, and fine arts–band, choir and theatre programs.



We use data to drive decision-making in instruction, curriculum and expenditures, and are constantly improving as a staff through active professional learning communities.

Tolerance, Respect and Care


Centennial High demonstrates these qualities through our “See Something Say Something” initiative, a 9th grade transition program, and peer leadership work with younger students to create a strong school community.

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